I don't know quite why I have been putting off getting back into the studio this week - the sunshine perhaps? The weeds overrunning my garden? The dust-bunnies overrunning my house? The yearly bout of self-doubt about my talent as an artist (or a poet, given the "... bout of self-doubt about ..."). Actually, it's too late, or too early for that particular avoidance-inducer as a local commercial gallery just sold one of my paintings. Anyway, today, just as I was running out of reasons to putter about instead of returning to the blank canvases in my studio, I received a telephone message ... "when can the Eagle be delivered?"
I am delighted to think that this latest cause for an excuse will be fairly legitimate - I couldn't possibly attack those canvases when I must clear room in the studio for the 7' eagle sculpture ... it could take hours and hours, or even days and days ...
When will it be delivered?
Uncle Graham
When will it be delivered?
Uncle Graham
I'm playing telephone tag with the Lion's Club - should have a date for you by tomorrow.
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