Monday, August 21, 2017

In Response to Charlottesville, VA.

Here's the piece I started last week and have now nearly completed. It was painted in a very short time, in a fury over the horrific events in Charlottesville and in response to the completely inadequate official response. It's open to interpretation and I've had a wonderful response to it on my Facebook Page.

Here's my description of the imagery:

Muddied waters, grey sky, a community of stilted houses stand precariously in the flow of seven large waves - with only three legs, each house might find it difficult to stand alone - they lean against one another for support; with only (its own) two legs to stand on, the white house is completely unbalanced and would tumble face-first into the turbulent waters without the continued support of those around it. The facade of the central house bears resemblance to a notorious mask.

Some say the seventh wave is love - let's hope love will shake things loose and lead to better days ahead.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely brilliant! Love it!