Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In the garden

Here's a view of part of the garden from just outside my studio (note I said "outside" the studio - I can't bring myself to commit to even a 2 or 3 hour session inside the studio when the sun is shining like this!).

My friends June and Mary have a passion for sedums, and I think I'm beginning to understand - I'll post an updated photo in a couple of months once all these "hens and chicks" and the String of Pearls have filled out.

I bought the elegant but dinged container at a discount from Winners a few years ago, knowing it would come in handy one day for something ... sometimes my "junque" collecting pays off. As for my friend the snail it's my nod to a stolen garden ornament - you remember Seymour, dontcha?

Enjoy today's sunshine!

Odd ball stuff

I have been busy in the garden for a month or so and haven't felt inspired to get into the studio - this is the usual part of my yearly creative cycle. The sun comes out so I go to the garden - the rain comes; so I go to the studio. We've had lots of sun lately, so my creative outlet has been my garden. I have, however, done the odd bit of work, including the monthly drawings I send to my niece. When we were together at Christmas, she suggested that as a way of keeping in touch I could send her a drawing each month of the year. We planned a topic for each month and so, with the list tacked to the cork board in my studio, each month I send her a mailing tube containing a 6" x 24" cartoon styled drawing for her to colour. I think of her when I draw it and she thinks of me when she colours it - not a bad way to stay in touch. My niece lives in the United States and has just learned to ride a bicycle, so this month's image features her riding her bicycle and the 4th of July.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First I have to be able to get into the studio

Oh dear ... my studio is a disaster, as you can see, and I don't even have room to move around in there. I began rearranging and adding a couple of upright cabinets a few weeks ago, then got side tracked painting a few other rooms and stored the artwork in the studio, then was distracted by the weeks in the garden ... and now EEEEEK! I can barely get into the room.

The weeds have been pulled, the rooms are painted, the day is overcast, and I have several hours to dedicate to clearing this room today. Wish me luck!